Monday, 26 January 2009

Is technology making our brains lazy?

I remember the good old days when one could remember their Mom’s, and all their best mates phone numbers off the top of their heads. If you ask anyone today, most of us will have to dig into our mobile phones before we can even reveal our own number.

The impact of new technology, especially in the developed world, is apparent all around us in the way we communicate, run business and understand the world.
Aren’t we becoming too dependent on high tech gadgets of today? How have computers, the Internet, e-mail and mobile phones changed our life? Are there downsides as well as upsides to these technological advances?

1 comment:

  1. I agree that technology make our barin lazy because in past we do lots of thing with hands and remember many things. But now we don't bother to remember everything because we have many gadgets which remember everything for us.
